The list of activities that the company RAVOZ has implemented would be extensive (naturally it also includes minor activities or reconstructions), but the most important include the following:
- Complete round kiln with recuperation, output 8 t/cycle – design, manufacturing, assembly, commissioning; Slovakia
- Micromalting Plant – manufacturing, delivery; Netherlands
Round Kiln
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2 × 2.000 kg per cycle, including VOC afterburner – assembly supervision, commissioning; Russia
- Micromalting Plant – manufacturing, delivery – dispatch, commissioning; India
- Micromalting Plant – manufacturing, delivery – dispatch, commissioning; Brazil
- Malt Plant 6.000 tons/yr – assembly supervision, commissioning; Russia
Malt Roaster
- Malt Plant 6.000 tons/yr – manufacturing, delivery, start of assembly supervision; Russia
- Green malt production – design, Latvia
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2 × 2.000 kg per cycle, including VOC afterburner – design, manufacturing, delivery, start of assembly supervision; Russia
- Study of transport lines automation – study, Czech Republic
- Micromalting Plant – manufacturing, delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning; Czech Republic
Micromalting Plant
- Malt Roasting Plant, 600 kg per cycle, including VOC afterburner – assembly supervision and commissioning; Slovakia
- Micromalting Plant – commissioning (delivered in 2020); Russia
- Germination air coolers replacement (cooling agent MPG) – delivery; Russia
- Micromalting Plant – delivery and commissioning; Turkey
- Micromalting Plant – delivery and commissioning; Russia
Malt Roaster
- Malt Roasting Plant, 600 kg per cycle, including VOC afterburner – delivery (assembly supervision and commissioning 2021); Slovakia
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle, including VOC afterburner – delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning; Czech Republic
- Micromalting Plant – delivery (assembly supervision and commissioning will be performed after end of COVID-19 restrictions); Russia
- VOC afterburner for malt roaster – design, manufacturing, delivery (assembly supervision and commissioning will be performed after end of COVID-19 restrictions); Russia
- Complete retrofit of malt plant to final output of 22.000 tpa – finish of supervised assembly and commissioning; Turkey
VOC afterburner for malt roaster
- Complete retrofit of malt plant to final output of 22.000 tpa – design, delivery, start of supervised assembly (assembly and commissioning to be finished in 2020); Turkey
- Kiln 35 tons of malt per batch - delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning; Russia
- Retrofit of air conditioning chambers of germination boxes - design, manufacturing, delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning; Belarus
- Malt Plant 6.000 tons/yr – design; Russia
- Heating and control system modernization for set of 3 kilns – design, manufacturing, delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning; Czech Republic
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle, including VOC afterburner – design, manufacturing, (delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning 2020); Czech Republic
- Micromalting Plant – manufacturing (delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning in 2020); Russia
Circular kiln
- Malt Plant 20.000 tons/yr – stage 3 – design, manufacturing, supply of selected parts of circular germinating vessel assembly supervision and commissioning; New Zealand
- Kiln 10 tons of malt per batch - design, manufacturing, delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning; Russia
- Kiln 35 tons of malt per batch - design, manufacturing, (delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning in 2019); Russia
- Retrofit of air conditioning chambers of germination boxes - design, manufacturing, delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning; Belarus
- Micromalting Plant – commissioning; Russia
- Retrofit of germination boxes - design, assembly supervision and commissioning; Russia
- Circular kiln 110 tons of malt per batch, including deculming – assembly supervision and commissioning; Russia
Germination box
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2 × 2.000 kg per cycle, including VOC afterburner – design, manufacturing, delivery (assembly supervision and commissioning 2018); Poland
- Malt Plant 20.000 tons/yr – stage 2 - design, manufacturing, supply of selected parts of circular germinating vessel (assembly supervision and commissioning in 2018); New Zealand
- Retrofit of air conditioning chambers of germination boxes - design, manufacturing, delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning; Belarus
- Micromalting Plant – supply (assembly supervision and commissioning in 2018); Russia
- Retrofit of germination boxes - Modernizace klíčírny - design, manufacturing, delivery of selected machinery, start of assembly supervision (finishing of assembly supervision and commissioning in 2018); Russia
- Circular kiln 110 tons of malt per batch, including deculming – design and manufacturing (delivery, assembly supervision and commissioning in 2018); Russia
Malt Plant Design, Realization
- Malt Plant 20.000 tons/yr – assembly supervision and commissioning; New Zealand
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2 × 2.000 kg per cycle – supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Russia
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle, including recuperation – assembly supervision and commissioning; Poland
Circular kiln
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2 × 2.000 kg per cycle – design, manufacturing, (supply, assembly supervision and commissioning 2016); Russia
- Malt Plant 20.000 tons/yr – manufacturing, supply of selected parts of operating units (assembly supervision and commissioning in 2016); New Zealand
- Malt Roasting Plant 2.000 kg per cycle, including recuperation – manufacturing, supply (assembly supervision and commissioning in January 2016); Poland
- Malt Plant Design 20.000 tons/yr – Part 2; New Zealand
- Malt Roasting Plant 2.000 kg per cycle – design, manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Belarus
- Micromalting Plant – supply and commissioning; Slovakia – Nitra
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle, including recuperation – assembly supervision and commissioning; Poland
Malt Roaster PS2000
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle, including recuperation – manufacturing, supply (assembly supervision and commissioning 01/2015); Poland
- Malt Plant Design 20.000 tons/yr – Part 1; New Zealand
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle – design, manufacturing and supply (assembly supervision and commissioning 03/2015); Russia
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle, including recuperation and combustor of aromatic substances – supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Poland
Circular germination box
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle, including recuperation and combustor of aromatic substances – design, manufacture supervision; Poland
- Malt Transport to Brewhouse – supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Russia
Steeping House 2x65 tons
- Malt Roasting Plant, 1.000 kg per cycle – manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; New Zealand
- Micromalting Plant – supply and commissioning; Czech Republic – Praha
- Micromalting Plant – supply and commissioning; Czech Republic – Brno
- Malt Transport to Brewhouse – design, commissioning in April 2013; Russia
Malt Roaster PS1000
- Malt Roasting Plant, 1.000 kg per cycle – design; New Zealand
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle – assembly supervision and commissioning; Poland
- Green-Malt Production Line (for malt roasting plant) – assembly supervision and commissioning; Slovakia
- Barley Milling Line for Brewhouse – manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Ukraine
Micromalting Plant
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle – assembly supervision and commissioning; Poland
- Green-Malt Production Line (for malt roasting plant) – assembly supervision and commissioning; Slovakia
- Barley Milling Line for Brewhouse – manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Ukraine
Moving-batch line
- Steeping House 360 tons – power installation + Automatic Process Control System – manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Hungary
- Steeping House 360 tons – carbon-dioxide exhaust – manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Hungary
- Steeping House 360 tons – pneumatic distribution piping system – design, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Hungary
- Germination Room – supply and assembly of GKV fans; Hungary
- Malt Roasting Plant, 1.200 kg per cycle – manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Lithuania
- Intake, Cleaning and Grading of Barley, aspiration – power installation + Automatic Process Control System – manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Lithuania
- Malt and Wastes Dispatch, Aspiration – power installation + Automatic Process Control System – manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Lithuania
- Saladin-type Germination Room – self-supporting wedge-wire screens – manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision; Slovakia
- Saladin-type Germination Room – power installation + Automatic Process Control System – manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Slovakia
- Steeping House – design for piping system reconstruction, aeration, steep-barley pumping; Slovakia
- Steeping House – pneumatic distribution piping system – manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision; Slovakia
- Saladin-type Germination Room – reconstruction – complete technological design; Slovakia
Steeping House 6x80 tons
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle – design, manufacturing, supply, assembly and commissioning; Czech Republic – Litovel
- Steeping House 360 t – complete technological design, construction assignment; Hungary
- Malt Roasting Plant, 1.200 kg per cycle – design of roasting plant extension; Lithuania
- Intake, Cleaning and Grading of Barley, aspiration – complete technological design; Lithuania
- Malt and Wastes Dispatch, Aspiration – complete technological design; Lithuania
Single-floor kiln
- Malt Roasting Plant, 1.200 kg per cycle – commissioning (supply in 2006); Lithuania
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle – design, manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; Poland
- Malt Roasting Plant, 2.000 kg per cycle – design, manufacturing, supply, assembly supervision and commissioning; France
- Dust and Barley Silo Aspiration – design, supply, assembly; Czech Republic
Saladin-type Germination box
- Barley and Malt Pneumatic Transport – design, supply of control system, assembly supervision; Russia
- Malt Roasting Plant, 1200kg per cycle – design, manufacturing, supply (commissioning 03/07); Lithuania
- Micromalting Plant – supply and commissioning; Czech Republic – Kroměříž
- Malt Deculming – design + supply + assembly; Czech Republic – Nošovice
- Micromalting Plant – supply and commissioning; Egypt
- Heat Recuperation in Kiln – design, supply + assembly supervision; Slovakia
Malt Roaster PS1200
- Kiln Reconstruction – design, one-floor kiln technology with heat recuperation; Slovakia – Michalovce
- Flue-Gas Recuperation System for Two-Floor Kiln – design, supply + assembly; Slovakia
- Installation of Destoner into Milling Line – design, engineering; Czech Republic – Nošovice
- Malt Roaster 1200 kg per cycle – design, manufacturing, supply + assembly; Czech Republic – Litovel
- Wet-Barley Discharge Reconstruction – design, supply + assembly; Slovakia
- Flue-Gas Recuperation for Gas Heating (Kiln) – design, supply + assembly; Slovakia
- Micromalting Plant – supply incl. commissioning; Belarus
- Micromalting Plant – supply incl. commissioning; Ukraine
- Micromalting Plant – supply incl. commissioning; Slovakia
- Micromalting Plant – supply incl. commissioning; Lithuania
- Supplies of Selected Operating Units for Malt Plant 20.000 tons/yr; Lithuania
- Heat Recuperation for Kiln – design + supply + assembly supervision; Lithuania
- Four-Roller Malt Mill – 2 t/hr – supply + assembly supervision; Russia
- Barley Cleaning and Grading, Malt Transport – design, supply of control system + assembly supervision; Russia
- Active Silo Aeration – design, engineering; Czech Republic
- Agricultural Crop Post-Harvest Line – design; Czech Republic
- Transport and Storage of Soft Mixtures – design, engineering; Czech Republic
- Malt Dispatch Hoppers – design, supply + assembly; Czech Republic
- Micromalting Plant – supply incl. commissioning; Russia – Tatarstan autonomous district
- Technology Design of Complete Malt Plant 20.000 tons/yr; Lithuania
- Heat Recuperation for Kiln – design + supply; Russia – Bashkiria autonomous district
- Technology design of Complete Malt Plant 40.000 tons/yr; Russia – Tatarstan autonomous district
- Supplies of Selected Operating Units for Malt Plant 40.000 tons/yr; Russia – Tatarstan autonomous district, Russia
- Malt Roasting Plant, 800 kg per cycle – design + supply; Russia – Tatarstan
- Complete Manufacturing Documentation for Automatic Spreading Equipment (Kiln); Czech Republic
- Green-Malt Transporting Route Reconstruction – design; Czech Republic – Hodonice
- Complete Manufacturing Documentation for Automatic Spreading Equipment (Kiln); Czech Republic – Hodonice
- Reconstruction of Air-Conditioning Chambers (Germination) – design + supply; Czech Republic – Michalovice
- Supplies of Selected Operating Units; Russia – Tatarstan autonomous district
- Technology design of Complete Malt Plant 20.000 tons/yr; Russia – Tatarstan autonomous
- Supplies of Selected Operating Units; Russia – Bashkiria autonomous district
- Reconstruction of Air-Conditioning Chambers (Germination) – design + supply; Czech Republic
- Reconstruction of Air-Conditioning System (Germination) – design + supply; Czech Republic
- Technology design of Intake and Silo Reconstruction; Russia – Ryazan
- Technology design of Complete Malt Plant 22.000 tons/yr; Russia – Bashkiria autonomous district
- Malt Roaster incl. Accessories – design + supply; Slovakia – Trnava
- Reconstruction of Cooling System (Germination) – design + supply; Czech Republic – Plzeň
- Reconstruction of Dispatch and Aspiration Units – design + supply; Czech Republic – Hodonice
- Design and engineering of the first domestic circular kilning and germination vessels in Czech Republic; Hodonice
- Technology design of Complete Malt Plant 2.500 tons/yr; Russia – Saratov
- Complete Reconstruction of Kiln with Computer Control – design + supply; Czech Republic – Velké Březno
- Erection of Large-Capacity Silos for Barley Storage – design + engineering; Czech Republic – Hanušovice
- Reconstruction of Dust Aspiration (for Malt Transport) – design + supply; Czech Republic – České Budějovice
- Cleaning and Grading Line for Agricultural Crops – design + supply; Slovakia – Trnava
- Design of Germination / Kiln Reconstruction; Czech Republic